Call for proposals in Horizon 2020, in field of Europe in a changing world – Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies, is open. The aim of this social challenge 6 “Europe in a changing world – inclusive, innovative and reflective Societies“ is to foster solution and support inclusive, innovative and reflective societies in a changing world.
The 6th challenge collects the heritage of the Socio-economic and Humanistic Research (SSH) of the 7th Framework Programme, giving more space to humanistic research and incorporating within it elements of ICT, such as e-Public Government.
The research in freamework of SSH is not limited to the 6th Horizon 2020 Challenge, but is also transversal to all the pillars of the Program. Therefore it is possible to carry out socio-economic and humanistic research, with particular attention to cultural heritage (more information is available at the following link) within projects funded by other Horizon areas. To view the topics outside the Societal Challenge 6, but requiring SSH research, is available a document from the SSH NCP network at the following link
The areas of the action concern:
INCLUSIVE SOCIETIES: foster a smart, sustainable and inclusive growth; build inclusive and flexible societies in Europe; strengthen the role played by Europe on the world stage; bridging the gaps in research and innovation in Europe.
INNOVATIVE SOCIETIES: strengthen the knowledge and measures in support of the Innovation Union and the European Research Area; exploring new forms of innovation that includes social innovation and creativity; ensure the participation of society in research and innovation; promote a consistent and effective cooperation with third countries.
REFLECTIVE SOCIETIES: analyze the legacy, memory, identity, integration and interaction of European culture, including its representations in scientific and cultural collections, archives and museums, to better inform and better understand the present through interpretations of the past; carry out research on the history, literature, art, philosophy and religion of European countries and regions, and how these have originated the diversity of today; conducting research on the European role in the world, the mutual influences and links between global regions and provide an external glance on European cultures.
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