The Adriatic and Ionian Fora of Chambers of Commerce, Universities and Cities and their members, in cooperation with Adriatic and Ionian Initiative – Chairmanship of the Republic of Slovenia organized three online Round Tables as Side-Events...
LEGGIReport_AII-FORA online Side-Event “Small ports in the Blue Economy strategy” 10th May 15:00 – 17:00
The Adriatic and Ionian Fora of Chambers of Commerce, Universities and Cities and their members, in cooperation with Adriatic and Ionian Initiative – Chairmanship of the Republic of Slovenia organized three online Round Tables as Side-Events...
LEGGIReport_AII-FORA online Side-Event “Saline intrusion: a potential risk for coastal aquifer management in a changing climate” 10th May 10:00 – 12:00
The Adriatic and Ionian Fora of Chambers of Commerce, Universities and Cities and their members, in cooperation with Adriatic and Ionian Initiative – Chairmanship of the Republic of Slovenia organized three online Round Tables as Side-Events...